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Petra Stelzmüller
14. November 2019
Trophäe, arbeit plus, Petra Stelzmueller, eser akbaba, holz, idee, design, Wiener Design
Trophäe, arbeit plus, Petra Stelzmueller, eser akbaba, holz, idee, design, Wiener Design
Trophäe, arbeit plus, Petra Stelzmueller, eser akbaba, holz, idee, design, Wiener Design
Trophäe, arbeit plus, Petra Stelzmueller, eser akbaba, holz, idee, design, Wiener Design
Trophäe, arbeit plus, Petra Stelzmueller, eser akbaba, holz, idee, design
Trophäe, arbeit plus, Petra Stelzmueller, eser akbaba, holz, idee, design, Wiener Design

Our lives are full of changes, big or small, and time and again drastic events call for difficult but necessary decisions.

In such a case some of us have the gift to find a working solution easily, others simply lose the ground under their feet.
To reintegrate those thrown off the track is a sociopolitical substantial approach – companies making this their goal can in fact not be honoured enough.
The Seal of Quality for social companies is an important and courageous sign, and I was excited to find this trophy an artistic equivalent presenting these facts.

What I wanted to demonstrate:
Those changes I talked about could either be positive, negative or neutral:
the birth of a child, the loss of a beloved person, a new job or a dismissal, marriage or divorve.
They are depicted by the several displacements.

But no matter what happens, there is always a foundation, a base.
And this very base that is the supporters who help those disadvantaged and neglected on the job market to again find a fundament on which to rebuild their lives anew.

In this day and age I find it remarkable that there are companies in Austria feeling obliged to those people and making it their business to support them with various programs.
Therefore they should be brought to the media’s attention.

Together we are more. My best wishes for your 10-year jubilee!

photos © arbeit plus – Brigitte Gradwohl/ Ricarda Bog/ Petra Stelzmüller

Awarding  Seal of Quality Brunnenpassage
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