„Studio Protest“ is a poster-competition put to tender as an open call by the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK. It is supposed to call on to a critical and provocative analysis of current and personal protest-topics.
Due to current events I have changed the design of my 2015’s stamp, still the content is the same. Why?
In spite of industrialisation and huge progress the issue of human rights has not yet lost its importance: there is more surveillance than ever, slavery has never been abolished but simply hidden under new clothes, wage labour is carried out under inhumane conditions not only in third world countries, freedom of expression is under the state’s control and so on and so on.
One could – and mind you! This is the 21st century! – substantiate violations of the 30 articles of the „Universal Declaration of Human Rights“ with examples in every single country on this world.
Fact is: in 1958 Austria has professed itself to the European Commission for Human Rights.
“Man is born free and everywhere he lies in chains.” J. J. Rousseau 1758
Today human rights are violated in a way that it seems nothing has changed for the better since the times of Rousseau and despite Georg Orwell’s „1984“; only the means and the priorities have been shifted. Man as an individual (fingerprint) shall be reminded of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a maxim of conduct in daily life. The fingerprint as a symbol of absolute individuality versus total security.