Side table Circus
Get ready for hard steel and sweet cocoa.
Memories of my childhood.
When I was a child every noon my grandmother used to send me to the structural steelwork engineering company right on the other side of the street. There I should fetch my grandfather in time for lunch. But in order to stretch our time together, my grandfather always bribed me with cocoa from the huge vending machine. With relish and sip by sip I drank the hot and pleasantly smelling delicacy. My tiny soft hand in his, which was big and coarse from work, we strolled through the vast halls and looked at the ineffable big objects. My grandfather talked with the other workers, his colleagues, meanwhile I inhaled this very smell caused by welding.
At home all our cooking utensils and whatever was used in the garden was made of steel and had been produced in that very factory. I grew up with steel and feel strong emotional ties to it. The rhythmic patterns of the fine grooves and the austere geometric interlockings within the steel for me are always and directly tied to the pleasant smell and the rich taste of sweet cocoa – and to my grandfather’s coarse hand, taking hold of me lovingly and protecting.
I designed the side table CIRCUS with pictures of a circus ring in my head. As the main attraction it should be present in the very middle, with the safety net right below and around the table: the audience. As designer of the daily life Petra Stelzmüller thinks of the side table as „a circus ring in your head“ stimulating to communication, amazement and laughter, and, of course, made of steel. What will be served? Cocoa. What else?